We at ChromeInfotech have full-fledged experienced software development team that has accomplished multiple unique projects in Angular .
Here Are Some of Those for Your Quick Reference.
Technology used:
Angular 2, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Amazon Cloud Services, MySQL
Project Overview:
We did one of the migrating project related to shifting an already made web application in AngularJS to Angular 2. The web application was focussed around managing the data around the aspects of recruiting and providing relevant human resources to companies and organization. It had a proper search console embedded into the Application that allowed the user to search for people for any given job profile and get multiple search results.
Then the main challenge that our client was facing with his already built Application was scalability and efficiency in terms of performance. Resource utilization was also another huge challenge that our client suffered.
Hence we overcame these obstacles by shifting the entire web application from the AngularJS platform to the Angular 2 platform. Our team of developers, testers, and other tech specialists came together to migrate the whole web application to Angular 2. In return, what they achieved was – Scalability in the application architecture, effective resource utilization, and faster loading and searching time.
The search was a big part of the web application. Our Angular team made some critical tweaks in the architecture of the web applications and reduced the complexity of the previous algorithm by 37%. Hence we were able to achieve faster and more accurate search results for any given query.
In the end, our client was able to provide more relevant human resources to his associate companies and organizations. The evolution of the Angular platform helped us a lot in achieving our desired results. All thanks to the Angular 2 platform.
What did we do for the project?- Risk-Free Trial
- UI/UX Designing for the new Application to be made in Angular 2
- Converting the Frontend from AngularJS to Angular 2
- Modifying the backend
- Manual testing + Automated Testing
- Deploying the Application made in Angular 2
Technology used:
Angular 4, Node JS, Mongo DB, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Express JS, Google Cloud, PayPal payment gateway
Project Overview:
One of our clients was from photography and videography business. What they did was shoot videos and photos in-house, and through their team of photographers and videographers, they worked on multiple assignments. Now what they had was an Angular JS based web application that stored all the images and videos.
Users can come to their website and search for images or videos related to their query and get desired search results. If they like a particular video or photo, they can make a payment and buy it at a very cost-effective price.
So their business was that of selling photos and videos to a particular set of the target audience. Their audience was that of creators who would be associated with any area of content creation.
Now our client's main requirement was to shift their entire web application from the AngularJS technology to the Angular 4 technology platform. And our Angular development team helped them successfully fulfill their needs.
We not only converted the entire frontend of the Application from the Angular JS platform to the Angular 4 version, but also optimized multiple modules at the backend in terms of algorithm complexity, resource utilization, and data fetching and storage in the database.
Apart from that, we also contributed in the reduction of their search algorithm's complexity, and that helped their web application to fetch 29% more accurate and relevant search results as per a particular query is given by the user. Also, we made many other components of the web application dynamic to a lot greater extent and also made significant changes in the UI in terms of Animations and other look-wise aspects.
What did we do for the project?- Converting the Frontend from AngularJS to Angular 4
- Modifying the backend
- Manual testing
- Deploying the Application made in Angular 4
Technology used:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular 4, Laravel, PHP, MySQL, Amazon Cloud, Stripe Payment Gateway
Project Overview:
Our client had an e-commerce based web application made for his fitness products related business. Our client sold fitness accessories as well as workout-related products through his website that was primarily made in the Angular version 2. The significant challenges that were faced were scalability and faster performance in terms of application load time and making the Application run faster in terms of operation.
For that, our client decided to shift towards the path of Angular 4 and came to us with the requirement of converting the entire Angular 2 application to Angular 4 application.
Another main reason to shift to angular 4 was that our client wanted to highlight his website in terms of UI and UX aspects. Hence with Angular 4, they found what they were looking for and were able to reach to a conclusion that - For their particular needs and requirements, Angular 4 was the best choice.
Not only we converted the entire frontend of the Application to Angular 4, but also made the necessary modifications at the backend which eventually made the Application 47% faster than before. We implemented resource optimization techniques as well as helped our client reduce web application cost operations related cost overheads.
What Did We Do for The Project?- Risk-Free Trial
- Converting the Frontend from Angular 2 to Angular 4
- Modifying the backend
- Automated Testing
- Deploying the Application made in Angular 4
Technology used:
Symfony, MySQL, Google Cloud Services, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular 5, PHP
Project Overview:
One of our clients was from an advertising agency and had an Angular JS based web application to manage all the marketing and advertising campaigns as well as aspects related to the successful execution of those campaigns. Those including managing content development, graphics development, video development, as well as audio development.
The main difficulty that they were facing was the lack of flexibility in managing their work. Hence they wanted to build some custom features that were not possible using the Angular JS technology. For that, they decided to shift to the Angular 5 technology platform and hence were able to achieve the desired flexibility they were looking for.
They wanted to manage their campaigns and aspects mentioned above in a much more intricate, detailed, and graphically enhanced manner. For that, they needed the support of a technology platform which allowed them to reduce development overheads as well as cost overheads. Hence Angular 5 came to the rescue.
With Angular 5, not only we were able to create a faster, more resource optimized as well as a flexible web application, but also made the best use of the features provided by Angular 5 to evolve the Application onto a high-performance ground via further simplifying the Application.
What did we do for the project?- UI/UX Designing for the new Application to be made in Angular 5
- Converting the Frontend from AngularJS to Angular 5
- Modifying the backend
- Manual testing
- Deploying the Application made in Angular 5
Technology used:
Angular 5, NodeJS, PHP, MongoDB, Amazon Cloud Services, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PayPal Payment Gateway
Project Overview:
We worked on a project based on the Angular technology where we converted a single page video streaming application from Angular 2 to Angular 5. One of our clients had his video streaming web application for his business that was majorly accessed by his employees and other managers and senior management.
The primary issue that they were faced with was simplifying the UI/UX of the Application for angular as well as speeding up the application load time and video playback time. Since the earlier Application was made in Angular 2, they did not want to shift away from the Angular ecosystem. Hence they decided to go with the Angular 5 technology version.
They came to us with their technology requirements, and we helped them create a much efficient and performance-optimized video streaming application using the Angular 5 technology version. Not only we evolved the UI/UX aspects of their web application but also removed all the obstacles they were facing in terms of video load time as well as playback time.
We implemented multiple concepts of Automated testing and converted the entire frontend of the Application made in Angular 2 to Angular version 5.
What did we do for the project?- Converting the Frontend from Angular 2 to Angular 5
- Backend Updations and Modification.
- Manual testing + Automated Testing
- Deploying the Application made in Angular 5
Technology used:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular 5, NodeJS, PostgreSQL, Google Cloud
Project Overview:
One of the projects that we did for the shifting of an Angular application was related to the freelancing segment. Under this project, we converted an Angular 4 Application into an Angular 5 Application. Primarily this was done to make the application reach to the next level of scalability.
Our client belonged to the content creation segment of the industry and dealt with connecting content creators with those who needed those creators. Hence they originally had an Angular 4 based application but were facing issues related to making the Application more user appealing in terms of usability and performance.
Hence they came to us with a requirement of migrating their entire Application made in Angular 4 to Angular 5. Our experienced Angular team assisted them and took care of all their needs and requirements. Not only we converted the entire frontend of their web application from Angular 4 to Angular 5 but made necessary tweaks in their backend also to improve performance and resource utilization.
We also implemented the principles and aspects of automated testing to test their Application more effectively from the scalability point of view. Also, we made significant changes in their backend too. This helped them serve their audience better by connecting the most relevant people. We made changes in the user panel as well as the admin panel of the web application.
What did we do for the project?- Risk-Free Trial
- Frontend Conversion from Angular 4 to Angular 5
- Updating the backend
- Automated Testing
- Deploying the Application made in Angular 5
Technology used:
Angular 6, Zend, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Amazon Cloud, PayPal payment gateway
Project Overview:
One of our clients had his company website made in Angular 4. The website was related to the furniture industry and was less appealing in terms of usability and overall application size. Hence our client’s main concern was enhancing the usability of the web application in terms of overall user experience. For that, our client decided to shift to the next version of the Angular technology platform, which is Angular 6. Now the main benefit which Angular 6 Ecosystem provided to our client was enhancing the usability of the web application.
Earlier those components which were made with a bit of effort and had a complex nature were now simplified using the Angular 6 components. Also, with Angular 6, there were further enhancements provided in the features related to improving the UI aspect of the web application. So through that, we were able to achieve a higher level of usability in terms of covering all the areas and modules of the Web application.
Angular 6 is far better in terms of Angular 4 because it offers a wide range of features that can simplify the way we develop modules as well as the way the entire application functions. It adds another layer of application architecture simplification that makes it better for improving the usability of your business application developed in the Angular Ecosystem.
What did we do for the project?- UI/UX Designing for the new Application to be made in Angular 6
- Updating the Frontend from Angular 4 to Angular 6
- Backend Modification
- Manual testing
- Deploying the Application made in Angular 6
Technology used:
Neo4j, Google Cloud Services, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular 6, NodeJS, Stripe Payment Gateway
Project Overview:
One of our clients had a retail business related to selling home furnishings and other related items. Hence they were primarily operating via an Angular based web application developed in the Angular version 5. But since they were technologically savvy and wanted to make the best use of the recent version of the angular technology, they decided to shift to the Angular version 6. Hence with the assistance of our experienced Angular development team, we converted their entire e0commerce based Angular Application to the Angular version 6.
By shifting to the Angular version 6, our client was able to not only achieve better application performance but also achieve higher levels of simplification in the application architecture. Apart from that, they were also successful in achieving higher levels of optimization terms of resource utilization and reduction in overall application operation lag.
We converted the frontend of the Application from Angular 5 to Angular 6 by implementing the best principles of migration and application performance enhancement. Also, our team made the best use of both the manual testing as well as automated testing principles to ensure that no bugs and loopholes are left behind to hinder the application performance. Last but not least, we also made significant tweaks in the application backend to ensure that it stays in synchronization with the updated version of Angular.
What did we do for the project?- Frontend Conversion from Angular 5 to Angular 6
- Updating the backend
- Manual testing + Automated Testing
- Deploying the Application made in Angular 6
Technology used:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Amazon Cloud Services, jQuery, Angular 7, CakePHP, Core PHP, MySQL, MongoDB, Neo4j
Project Overview:
We also worked on the re-building of a chat-based Application for one of our client. The primary requirement was divided into two parts. First of all, it consisted of converting the existing Application made in Angular 4 to an Angular 7 based application. Then the other requirement was integration video chat into the Application also.
Earlier there was only voice chat as well as text-based chat present in their chat-based angular Application. But with the updated Application, not only it will be having an Angular 7 ecosystem, but also a complete package for having one-to-one as well as one-to-many interactions.
Our team worked on the rebuilding of the entire chat-based Application and made significant changes both in the frontend as well as in the backend as per the needs and requirements of the client.
Also, our team developed the entire video chatting module for the web application from scratch and helped our client achieve their objective of having a complete chatting based application.
Right from designing the UI/UX and building the frontend in Angular 7, we went through all the existing modules and worked on its performance enhancement. We made significant changes in the backend to ensure that the chat-based Application performs well on all aspects of the text, voice as well as video chat. Majorly we implemented the concepts of automated testing to remove all the bugs and loopholes.
What did we do for the project?- Risk-Free Trial
- UI/UX Designing for the new Application to be made in Angular 7
- Updating the Frontend from Angular 4 to Angular 7
- Backend Updations and Modifications.
- Automated Testing
- Deploying the Application made in Angular 7

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