We at ChromeInfotech have full-fledged experienced software development team that has accomplished multiple unique projects in Cake PHP .
Here Are Some of Those for Your Quick Reference.
Technology used:
CakePHP Framework, HTML5, CSS3, PHP 7, MySQL, jQuery, AWS Linux, Push Notifications.
Project Overview:
Our client wanted to do something beneficial for the education sector through the right inputs of modern technology. Hence they came up with the Idea of an E-Learning based Story Telling Platform that focussed on improving the writing skills of school students. So, we ended up developing a web application based on CakePHP as per their needs and requirements.
Key features that were the main highlight of the Web Application –- Story writing feature that allowed students to write their stories and showcase their creativity and imaginative thinking.
- A Story reviewing portal that was accessible to students, parents, and teachers. The user can search for a particular story and review it through various reviewing functionalities. Users were able to search for stories based on a student's name, school or teacher's name, story name, based on country, and the basis of a particular topic.
- Then, there was a story review invitation functionality through which a student can invite a parent, teacher, or another student, and family members or friends to have a look at their story and review it. The request could be sent via text message, email, or Facebook.
- Then there was a feature of story rating and providing feedback to the student. The rating was done on a scale of 1 to 5.
- Apart from that, there were push notifications embedded into the web application to let the users know whenever someone posts a new story or a particular story gets reviewed.
- Lastly, we had a feedback viewing panel which allowed the students to view their story reviews, ratings, and feedbacks given by their teachers, friends, family members, or parents.
Other features included – Story Exporting Feature to Check Plagiarism, Yearly E-Book Creation Based On Stories Written in a Particular Year, And Hardcopy Publishing Feature Related to Their Stories.
There were four components involved here –- Student Panel
- Teacher Panel
- Parent Panel
- Admin Panel
- Discovery Phase
- MVP Development
- Full-Fledged Web Application Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance.
Technology used:
CakePHP Framework, HTML5, CSS3, PHP 7, MySQL, jQuery, Amazon Web Services Cloud Storage, Erlang (Technology in which WhatsApp is made).
Project Overview:
Our client wanted to make the learning process fun and interactive for school students in the United States. His ultimate aim was to develop a learning system that was collaborative and had interactive features related to social networking as well as gaming. Hence, we developed a CakePHP based web application for them by the name of School Friendzy.
Here are the core features that we implemented in the project –- Collaborative Learning experience where one student account can interact with the other to solve a particular study related problem.
- Create online study groups and join other groups with real-time communication features. This was implemented to let students solve their problems through peer to peer networking in real time.
- Competitive learning challenges where students can challenge other students and earn rewards or points.
- Free of cost peer to peer tutoring where one student can ask for study assistance from a tutor of his school or other schools registered on the platform.
- Multilingual support for many languages. Students can learn and grow without having to deal with any language barriers.
- Teachers could assign personalized assignments to students and evaluate them via the School Friendzy Platform. After assessing, a grading report is generated for the teacher’s reference.
- Lastly, there was a feature developed that allowed teachers to instantly review a student’s performance and provide feedback on his/her work.
- Student Panel
- Teacher Panel
- Admin Panel
- Discovery Phase
- MVP Development
- Full-Fledged Web Application Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance.
Technology used:
CakePHP Framework, HTML5, CSS3, PHP 7, MySQL, jQuery, AWS Cloud Storage, Chat SDKs
Project Overview:
Our client had an advertising agency with three branches across his country. Each of the branch employees around 250+ employees. Most of them were content writers, copywriters, image editors, video editors, social media personnel, and SEO experts. So to manage all their work in a central workplace, our client came up with the idea of a content management system.
What features were developed for the content management system?- An Admin Panel which had access to the accounts of all the employees to monitor and manage their work.
- An employee panel through which an employee can log in and upload their files and necessary data.
- A real-time chatting mechanism through which an employee can interact with the other.
- File sharing interface through which one employee can send files to the other.
- File uploading feature through which each employee can upload all their files to the central repository.
- Feature for employees to create workgroups and interact with others.
- Employees support mechanism through which every single employee can interact with the support team to get the necessary assistance in real time.
- Full-Fledged Web Application Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance.
Technology used:
CakePHP Framework, HTML5, CSS3, PHP 7, MySQL, jQuery, Google Cloud, PayPal Payment Gateway.
Project Overview:
Our client was a massive fan of art and antiques. He owned five art galleries across his state and gave artists of all kinds a platform to showcase their talent and get recognition for their work. So he wanted to bring the technology benefits into his business operations and hence came up with the idea of an Art Gallery Management System which did the below-mentioned things –
- It had two panels – Admin panel and Artist Panel
- Key features present in the admin panel –
- Manage and monitor all the artist accounts.
- Manage the details of all the artists and their work.
- Monitor and manage all aspects of upcoming events that are going to be organized at their art galleries.
- Co-ordinates with all artists related to upcoming events regarding participation and payment.
- Key Features of the artist panel –
- Register to the Art Gallery Management System and create their account
- Upload details of all their work on the portal along with their art screenshots.
- Functionality where they can directly interact with the admin and get approvals to showcase their artwork in the art galleries.
- Slot allotment to artists for bringing their work to the gallery and setting it up.
- View and participate in any event organized by any of the art gallery branches.
- Get their payment in case someone purchases an art piece.
- Securely pay commission money to the art gallery.
- Development
- Testing
- Support & Maintenance
Technology used:
CakePHP Framework, HTML5, CSS3, PHP 7, MySQL, jQuery, AWS Linux
Project Overview:
Our client had a large general store where they employed around 500+ members. They wanted an efficient system or web application to facilitate client purchasing related to various items from multiple categories. The customers would use this system for having a better purchasing experience.
The web application had two panels –- Admin Panel
- Employee Panel
- Customer Panel
First of all, the customer had the customer panel installed on their smartphone. This lists all the products currently available at the general store. The customer is registered with the general store via their contact number. For purchasing, the customer selects all the products that he/she wants to purchase and book them with the general store. Once all the items are finalized, they are frozen by the general store and added to the admin panel and employee panel.
Then for purchasing and making the payment, the customer has to visit the general store. Upon reaching the store, the customer gives their contact number to the personnel at the billing counter. In his employee panel, all the items selected by the customer becomes visible. Then the billing personnel adds all the items to a purchasing cart, and here, the customer verifies the purchase via their valid credentials and fingerprints. After this is done, the customer makes an online payment, and the purchase is marked as completed.
The customer has the options of online payment and verifying their purchase in person at the general store for enhanced safety and genuineness purposes. There is a safe and secure payment gateway installed in the web application that allows customers to make payment and verify their purchase at the location of the general store itself. After that, an online receipt is mailed to the customer for reference.
Lastly, there is the admin panel which monitors and manages all the activities of the employees and customers.
What did we do for the project?- MVP Development
- Full-Fledged Web Application Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance.
Technology used:
CakePHP Framework, HTML5, CSS3, PHP 7, MySQL, jQuery, AWS Cloud Services
Project Overview:
Our client was the owner of an event organizing company and mainly dealt with organizing events related to music and concerts starring local bands and artists. So they wanted to develop a web application that would allow them to manage all the events happening across their country, and let local bands and artists participate in events organized by the company.
This application was developed into two components –- Admin Panel
- Artist Panel
- Manage and monitor all the activities related to various events happening across the country conducted by their company.
- Update lists of upcoming events and concerts on their portal and conduct participation activities
- Transactions and payments related functionalities wherever applicable.
- View all the upcoming events conducted by the company in the coming days.
- Register and Participate in the event and perform.
- Get payment upon completion of the event from the event company.
- Discovery Phase
- MVP Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance.
Technology used:
CakePHP Framework, HTML5, CSS3, PHP 7, MySQL, jQuery, Google Cloud Services, Chat SDKs
Project Overview:
Our client was the owner of a retail store chain related to high-end and luxury home accessories. They wanted to develop a system through which they can deal effectively with their customers and generate more sales and revenue.
The web application had two components –- Admin Panel
- User Panel
- Manage all the activities related to sales and purchasing, and customer assistance.
- Managing all the logs and queries.
- Ensuring that all customer queries are resolved on time and in the shortest possible time.
- Monitor feedback given by customers to help them serve better.
- Managing the inventory of all the products present in the retail stores.
- Interact directly with the sales and marketing team.
- Understand the key features, prices, and deals related to various product categories.
- Select the items they want to purchase and get complete information about those products. The sales team will conduct a detailed session to make the customers aware of their product.
- Get full post-purchasing assistance in case the customer faces any inconvenience.
- Live chatting via video and audio calls with the sales team.
- See various products available at multiple stores of the retail chain.
- Book a slot to visit a particular store and make the purchase.
- Online payment option in case a purchase is made through a secure payment gateway.
- Get online payment receipt.
- Risk Free Trial
- Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance.
Technology used:
CakePHP Framework, HTML5, CSS3, PHP 7, MySQL, jQuery, Amazon Web Services Cloud
Project Overview:
Our client owned a private library, which was the largest library in his city. This private library was accessible to only the employees and their family members of his other company, which was a consulting firm. He wanted to develop a web application through which book lovers can perform various activities like –
- Issue a particular book and pay the issuing charges.
- Provide feedback on a particular book after the borrower has read it. This feedback will act as a review for others who want to issue that book. Also, this review will be available to all the users registered with the library so that they can refer it to decide whether to borrow a specific book or not.
- Give users a platform to chat directly or in groups regarding a particular book, upcoming books, and already read books.
- Users can suggest new books that can be incorporated into the library to keep increasing its collection.
- Admin Panel
- Borrower Panel / User Panel
- Manage all the users and book issue records.
- Make sure that a book is returned on time to the library, if not impose additional charges and keep track of it.
- Manage and monitor all the conversations happening between users.
- Generate payment records, store, and manage them effectively.
- Discovery Phase
- MVP Development
- Full-Fledged Web Application Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance.
Technology used:
CakePHP Framework, HTML5, CSS3, PHP 7, MySQL, jQuery, AWS Cloud
Project Overview:
Our client had a large scale travel and tourism business, which consisted of offering hotel booking services and travel packages booking services. Apart from that, they also offered attractive travel packages for those who will be transiting more often during their travel vacation. So the web application was developed to facilitate all these activities seamlessly and in an organized manner.
The web application had Three components –- Admin Panel
- Service Provider Panel
- User Panel
- Manage all activities and functionalities related to service provider panel and user panel.
- Generate invoices and bills.
- Store all the records in the cloud and manage them for business purposes.
- Manage all the bookings done by customers for a particular hotel, travel package, holiday package.
- Verify user identity and credentials and manage their records.
- Accept payment and generate payment receipts.
- Maintain payments logs.
- Book a hotel
- Book a holiday package
- Book a travel/commute package
- Get a list of all the packages/hotels available category wise.
- Make the online payment through a safe and secure payment gateway.
- Review and rate the services they have opted for.
- Web Application Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance
Technology used:
CakePHP Framework, HTML5, CSS3, PHP 7, MySQL, jQuery, Google Cloud Services
Project Overview:
Our client was the owner of a real estate consulting firm and wanted to develop a centralized place to upload store and manage all the company and work-related documents. Through this portal, employees can easily upload all their documents on the portal that is managed in the cloud and gain quick access to it anytime and anywhere.
What were the key features that we developed for this application?- An admin panel to monitor and manage all the activities related to file upload, storage, and new users.
- A user panel through which a person can do the following tasks –
- Register and login
- Upload their work-related documents in the cloud so that they can access it inside the company premises as well as outside the company premises through secure credentials and authorization.
- Create groups, and interact with other employees, share files with them, and update files. These updated files can then be uploaded to the central server by any person accessing a particular file. Say Person A accesses a file and shares with Person B. Then Person B can also upload the updated file to the server.
- Create and upload digital contracts related to business deals as well as real estate deals with customers and many other functionalities related to file sharing and uploading.
- Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance

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