We at ChromeInfotech have full-fledged experienced software development team that has accomplished multiple unique projects in Microsoft Azure .
Here Are Some of Those for Your Quick Reference.
Technology used:
Microsoft Azure Cloud, Asp.Net MVC 4, SQL Server 2012, C#
Project Overview:
One of our clients owned a huge furniture store based offline business and was in need to maximize their business revenue 3x times. Hence they came up with the idea of taking their business online using a cloud-based software system. Thus they planned to develop a cloud-based website developed using Microsoft Azure that was a shopping cart and e-commerce type web application for buying high-quality furniture.
Here are some of the core features of their cloud-based web platform –- First of all, it had the list of all the furniture products available at their end, and those were listed on the web application platform. It was categorized based on product category, price, or any other filter specified by the user.
- The platform also showed the best deals and offers available at the end of their store so that customers get great deals and increases their customer base.
- Each of the product had an add to shopping cart functionality. Users can click on each of the product, have a look at their details, and add to cart for purchasing.
- Each of the product had other offers associated with total purchasing limits. Upon purchasing done for a specific amount, you will get discounts as specified.
- Payment gateway integration to purchase your product online and either get shipped directly at home or collect from their store.
- A customer support system via a chat interface that helped users to reach out to the support team of the store and get their issue resolved.
- Apart from that, there was also the feature of maintaining all the sales and purchasing records, inventory management system, and invoice management system.
- Lastly, the system also had an online bill generation system through which an electronic bill was generated and mailed to the customer as per the mail id specified.
Please note: All the data generated was stored in the Azure cloud for enhanced safety and security purposes.
What did we do for the project?- Discovery Phase
- MVP Development
- Full-Fledged Web Application Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance.
Technology used:
Microsoft Azure Cloud, Asp.Net MVC 4, SQL Server 2012
Project Overview:
One of our clients has a food-related business and is in a long term contract with a Private hospital chain. So, our client team wanted to come up with a software system that could manage the food and diet requirements of all the patients admitted to a particular hospital. This was planned to make their food catering service more effective and efficient.
Moreover, the software system was to be developed in such a way that all information was stored in the cloud for better safety and management.
Let's have a look at some of the significant features of the food order management system for hospital patients –- Maintaining all the records of the patients admitted to the hospital related to their ailment and prescribed food chart for their course of stay at the hospital.
- Each patient had a custom food chart functionality that was divided into four parts – Morning diet details | Afternoon diet details | Evening diet details | Night diet details.
- Division of staff so that a particular staff member catered to the food preparation of a specific set of patients. Each staff member got notified regarding the food details and timings of a specific patient through the software system.
- Moreover, there was a meal preparation tracking system used by the manager to keep track of the meal preparation progress for each of their staff member and the food delivery to the patient. Every step of the process was channelized and organized via this software system.
- Lastly, there was a daily progress checker and feedback mechanism through which the manager rated and reviewed each of the staff members for their quality of work achieved throughout their day. This system was implemented to maintain the quality of work.
- Full-Fledged Web Application Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance.
Technology used:
Microsoft Azure Cloud, Asp.Net MVC 4, SQL Server 2012, C#
Project Overview:
Our client owned an extensive private library that had around 15000+ visitors every month. So to manage the growing visitor inflow and ever-growing books stock in the library, they felt the need to come up with a software system. The main job of this software system would be to manage every single activity of that library.
So let’s hop into the list of features that this particular library management software had –- Complete inventory management system to keep records of the books in stock and the new books that are to be purchased.
- A book issue and renewal system through which the library manager can issue books to the users and also renew already issued book.
- An online e-payment management system through which users can pay the library book issue fees as well as late fine.
- A bar code system to issue books quickly and keep records. There was a full-fledged book record management system implemented.
- Lastly, it also showed which books are out of stock, all issued and in the queue for purchasing.
- Full-Fledged Web Application Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance.
Technology used:
Microsoft Azure Cloud, Asp.Net MVC 5, SQL Server 2012, C#
Project Overview:
One of our clients wanted to develop a full-fledged event management system for their large scale event management company. So they came to us with the idea of a cloud-based software system that can take care of all their needs and requirements related to their events business.
Hence, we ended up developing an events business based software that worked on cloud application development principles and had the following key features and functionalities –- First of all, it had the functionality for users to register on their platform and become an associate member.
- Secondly, it was used to collect all the needs and requirements of the users related to their event.
- Then there was an online payment system to make necessary payments online related top conducting a particular event.
- A chat management system via which all the members related to a particular event can interact with each other.
- A record management system which stored all the details of events that the company is conducting at any given time instant.
- Listing the types of events that the company conducts and assists clients. Providing all the services related to successfully executing that particular event.
- A client relationship management system through which customers can interact with our client's team for resolving any of their issues related to the event as well as get post-event assistance and support.
- MVP Development
- Full-Fledged Web Application Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance.
Technology used:
Microsoft Azure Cloud, Asp.Net MVC 5, Entity Framework 4.5, SQL Server 2014, WCF, WPF, HTML5 CSS3, Bootstrap, jQuery, C#
Project Overview:
Our client had some multiple hospitals under them and wanted to facilitate better execution of hospitals related operations related to patients, doctors, customers, and other aspects. Hence, they came up with the idea of a patient healthcare records management system to manage all the details related to patients admitted and visiting the hospital. This software system was, and all the details and records were managed via Microsoft Azure Cloud Services.
Here are some of the significant features of the software system we developed for our client –- First of all, it had the features to maintain a list of all the patients admitted to the hospital as well as those which have come to visit a particular doctor at a specific time. This aspect included managing all the personal records of the patients.
- Then we developed ailment records maintaining system that mainly store the details of the ailment of all the patients and that too in quite a detailed manner. It had every detail which the doctor has mentioned after diagnosing and treating the patient.
- Then there was a medical record management system to keep track of all the records of medicines that in circulation at the hospital and consumed by the patients. It also maintained the details regarding the live availability of a particular medicine.
- Moreover, there was a record maintaining system that mapped all the patients to their corresponding doctors and therapists. This was done to decide quickly and figure out which patient is to be treated or referred to which particular doctor.
- Furthermore, we developed a chatting functionality where the hospital manager can interact directly with all the doctors, nurses, as well as patients. All of them were registered on the platform via some way or the other. This chat could either be a text-based chat or a voice call based chat.
- Lastly, we developed a system to help our client manage all their hospital departments and the number of patients each department catered to. One significant advantage of this – It helped to sort out all the patient department-wise. Through this, it became more comfortable for the hospital management staff to deal with the various aspects of their hospital most effectively and efficiently.
- Discovery Phase
- Full-Fledged Web Application Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance.
Technology used:
Microsoft Azure Cloud, Asp.Net MVC 4, C#, Html, Bootstrap version 2, jQuery, SQL Server 2012, Entity Framework 4, CSS
Project Overview:
We came across one of our client who has a large scale business of selling medicines as a retailer. Our client runs multiple pharmacy stores across his country and sells many types of medicines so that no particular customer has to look out for medicines elsewhere (you name the medicine, and that would be available at their stores).
Hence for their effective business management and increasing their efficiency, they wanted to develop a records management system that would keep track of all the medicines at every instant of time. Here are some of the core features that we integrated into the medical records management system for our client –
- A complete inventory management system to keep track and status records of every medicine that they sell. There were three parameters associated with each of the medicine – Current availability in stock, how much quantity of inventory is available, and what is the medicine category.
- Apart from that, there was a notification system that automatically reminded when a particular medicine was about to hit the minimum threshold availability level. This would notify the concerned team to order those medicines from relevant suppliers.
- Also, this medicine records management system had a small section dedicated to managing the employees that were employed at a particular pharmacy store. It stored and maintained all their relevant particulars and records.
- Moreover, our client had multiple ties ups with medicine suppliers and wholesale sellers. So whenever a particular medicine or a medicine category hit the limited stock availability level, our client had the option to send an automated message to the suppliers for sending the stock of that particular medicine.
- Last but not least, there was an invoice management system to keep track of all the payment records and the invoices. This allowed our clients to manage all their financials and accounts related aspects efficiently and at a single place.
- Full-Fledged Web Application Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance.
Technology used:
Microsoft Azure Cloud (SaaS), Asp.Net MVC 5.0, Amazon S3, MongoDB, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery
Project Overview:
One of our clients came up with the idea of developing a POS (point of sale) system whose primary aim was to cater to the hardships and challenges that service providers as well as retailers across multiple industries faced regarding physical commerce.
Hence, through this POS system, multiple industry segments that consisted of retail stores and general stores, restaurants, and cafes, bars and massage centers, and many more were greatly benefitted. We developed a POS system that had multi-channel retailing capabilities. This allowed multiple numbers of users to use a single common portal across a vast arena of stores present across various geographical locations to manage data efficiently. This data was associated with the prices and other information related to multiple product promotions and deals available.
One of the most significant advantages of this POS system was that we designed and developed it as a centrally managed system which can be accessed and used via a simple to use and interactive interface. The menu options were sorted out that made this software convenient, simplistic, and easy to use from a utilitarian perspective. Also, we implemented all the safety and security-related aspects to ensure data as well as information security.
Finally, this system was a scalable software system developed for managing transactions between merchant and customer related to sales and transactions. Features like E-Journal, reports, and sales record management system with transaction details made it extremely productive and efficient.
What did we do for the project?- Discovery Phase
- MVP Development
- Full-Fledged Web Application Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance.
Technology used:
Microsoft Azure Cloud, Asp.Net 4.7, C#, SQL Server 2016, DocuSign, Bootstrap Version 3, Backbone.js, WEB API
Project Overview:
One of our clients came to us with the requirements of developing a real estate management system for his large scale real estate and property dealing company. Their primary needs were to design a system to store and manage all the records related to their business and property dealing in one single place.
Apart from that, their secondary requirement set consisted of designing a digital contract management system to store and manage all the real estate and property selling and buying contracts.
Hence we helped them develop one of the most secure and easy to use real estate management system that was cloud-based and developed using Microsoft Azure cloud services.
Here are some of the core features of the real estate management system that we developed for our client –- Manage all the property selling records.
- Manage all the property buying records.
- Keep track of our new properties visited by their real estate agents that are purchase prospects and potentially suitable properties.
- A digital contract management system to create, store, manage, and sign all the property dealing related contracts for enhanced safety and security purposes.
- An employee management system to store and maintain records of all their employees.
- An invoice as well as payments management system to keep track of all the financials, invoices, and transactions
- MVP Development
- Full-Fledged Web Application Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance.
Technology used:
Microsoft Azure Cloud, Asp.Net 4.7, C#, Html, Bootstrap version 3, jQuery, Entity Framework, WebAPI, SQL Server 2017, Jenkins
Project Overview:
Our client owned multiple hospitals and had a network of around 1000+ doctors. Each of the doctors had various consulting and treatment hours at particular hospitals. They were general practice doctors, not surgeons.
So our client wanted to develop a patient treatment system for them to manage all their appointments as well as patients effectively. Moreover, the system allowed patients and doctors to connect faster with less frequency of delay.
Here are some of the core features of the patient treatment system that we developed for our client –- An appointment management system that kept the track record of all the patients lined up for that particular day.
- Information management system to keep a record of all health-related information of the patient for quick reference by the doctor.
- Medicine prescription system to prescribe a particular set of medicines to the patients as per the diagnosis.
- E-prescription generation and management system to allot prescriptions to the patients.
- A chat interface through which doctors can interact with their patients via messaging, mail, or call.
- Payment management system to get invoices of all the patients they have treated in a particular day, week, month, or year.
- Last but not least, it also had a doctor support interface to reach out to the hospital support team and get assistance related to any issue or grievance they are facing.
- Discovery Phase
- MVP Development
- Full-Fledged Web Application Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance.
Technology used:
Microsoft Azure Cloud, Asp.Net 4.7, C#, jQuery, Web API, SQL Server 2016, Html, Bootstrap Version 3, SQL Azure, Entity Framework
Project Overview:
We came across one of our client, who was a car dealer and owned 5+ showrooms across three cities. He wanted to develop a centralized web catalog through which they can showcase a particular car and its features to the customers that came to their showrooms for car purchasing.
Hence we developed a cloud-based centralized system based out of the web with the following features –- An individual panel given to the manager of each of the showroom through which they can access all the car details of models presents at their showroom.
- Also, each of the showrooms was connected to all the other showrooms. Hence if a particular car was not available in a specific showroom, the showroom manager could contact the other showroom and keep the customer engaged to their dealership.
- A feature through which one showroom manager can log into the car database of the other showroom and look out for models available.
- Records uploading feature through which each showroom manager can upload records to the centralized system. These records can be regarding car details, payment details, invoices, and other aspects.
- The showroom manager was able to upload text, videos, images as well as other stuff related to the car on the centralized system.
- A master catalog accessible to all the showroom managers to view all the cars registered with the dealership in one single place as per specific filters and categories.
- Discovery Phase
- MVP Development
- Full-Fledged Web Application Development
- Testing
- Support and Maintenance.

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